Revelsals (exhibition view), Naprzeciw Gallery, Poznań 2020 / Odwrócenia (widok wystawy), Galeria Naprzeciw, Poznań, 2020
Acrylic painting on canvas (size: 100×160 cm), text on the wall (size: approx. 4,5x60cm) / Obraz akrylowy na płótnie (100×160 cm), tekst na ścianie (ok.: 4,5×60 cm)
painting detail / detal obrazu
Crayon drawing on A4 paper (framed, size: 30,5×38 cm)/ Rysunek kredką na papierze A4 (oprawiony: 30,5×38 cm)
When Here Is Elsewhere
Crayon drawing on A4 paper (framed, size: 30,5×38 cm), acrylic painting on canvas (size: 100×160 cm), text on the wall (size: approx. 4,5x60cm).
The work deals with the ambiguity of the notion HERE, which became relative today. Where is “here”? What does it mean? How is it related to the notion of “there”? Is it a place defined by physical presence or something else, for example created by imagination? What is “here” for someone who is escaping to “there”? Where is his/her “here”?